Governance For Yutaka Foods Corp
Company Name: Yutaka Foods Corporation (“Yutaka” or “the Company”, stock code: 2806 JP)
Website: www.yutakafoods.co.jp
Address: 34-1 Kawawaki, Taketoyocho, Chita-Gun, Aichi 470-2395, Japan
Founded: January 1919
Capital: 1,160,655 thousand yen
Chairman: Satoru Kusunoki
President and CEO: Atsushi Hashimoto
<Yutaka products> Manufacture and sale of liquid seasoned foods and powdered foods
<Maruchan products> Contract manufacturing of powdered foods, chilled foods, instant noodles, etc.
Yutaka Foods is a 51% listed subsidiary of Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd (“Toyo Suisan”, stock code: 2875 JP), a Japan listed global instant noodle company owns the Maruchan brand with a JPY488 bn market cap.
Toyo Suisan has the 2nd largest market share in Japan for instant noodles and is the market leader in the USA (70% share) and Mexico (80% share).
Yutaka essentially acts as a manufacturing agent of the listed parent: More than 80% of COGS is purchased from the parent, and 80% of sales is to the parent company.